Under The Rain

Ever tried the feeling of standing under the rain? Every time it rains i look out the window, like a little kid, I hurry to grab my leather jacket and I go up the roof top. Where i can get alone so quickly. Me, the sky, and that’s it.

I like to stand under the rain, to let its soft drops touch my face. Close my eyes and hear its sound. It’s the only situation where crying is acceptable to me.

If i have something weighing over my chest, i close my eyes, i let out a prayer and i cry. See.. My tears mix with the rain drops. No one could ever tell the difference!
P.s: it doesn’t rain much where i live. So don’t assume i’m a lunatic xD

7 thoughts on “Under The Rain

  1. I have done it, too. Taken walks in the rain and let the tears mingle so no one could tell the difference. I’m just so grateful that at this time in my life, my days of tears are few and my days of joy are many. Merry Christmas and may it truly be a joyful one for you! ❤

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